We Are Leading Quality
in Rubberwood Manufacturing Industry

What is Rubberwood?

Treatment Process
Rubberwoods are being processed and treated in a typical standard wood process before usage in various industries. The treatment process also encourages durability and quality of the rubberwood.
Wood Comparison
Featuring the wood comparison between Rubberwood, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Walnut and White Oak, with each elaborative textures, specifications, properties and usage.
Wood Comparison
Featuring the wood comparison between Rubberwood, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Walnut and White Oak, with each elaborative textures, specifications, properties and usage.

Treatment Process
Rubberwoods are being processed and treated in a typical standard wood process before usage in various industries. The treatment process also encourages durability and quality of the rubberwood.

Product Range
In general, our rubberwoods are being processed into the following durable and quality assured furniture part products.